
Many things….

There are so many things to talk about, so this is a long post. First of all if you have asked for coins and did not receive them or got half of them then please comment here. I you don’t then I won’t be able to see who I owe. Also email me your username and password again because I might have lost it. Please note that I have been back to school and I have a bust schedule.

Also since the new wake boards have come out Club Penguin is asking us to vote for a new name for ballistic Biscuit. Please vote on what name you think is best.


There is a new penguin poll.


Here are the results so far

NOTE:  This will change.


Now for the clothing catalog secrets.

Here are all the new items.




Here are the three hidden items.

To find the red electric guitar click on one part of the green dress.


Click on the air tanks for the viking helmet.


To find the googles click on the life guard shirt.


Also I was asked from Car23 Trey 10 to advertice his site. To visit it go to http://power4.wordpress.com . I think this is it for now.

Also please comment a lot to get the CPFA running and to get Luigi Rocks not to quit.

Until Then, Waddle On


3 Responses to “Many things….”

  1. 1 Jarkie
    September 8, 2007 at 10:04 pm

    Yes 1st comment I have big news everyone i am becoming a super hero im going to fight crime and stop all bad peguins and report them. Im wearing my hero suite now zune if u wanted to post it. My name is Super Jarkie! I just wanted to let you all know theres a new hero in town.

  2. 2 Jarkie
    September 8, 2007 at 10:11 pm

    oh just incase super jarkie wears the orange star shirt the new blue running shoes a blue cape spy goggles a hocky helmet and he uses a tennis racket as a weapon just incase so if u see someone wearing this stuff its super jarkie but his player card will just say jarkie but im still super jarkie bye for now

  3. 3 Jarkie
    September 8, 2007 at 11:04 pm

    also just to let u know im not against the club penguin army im just doing my own thing and also i do not want a side kick or people dressing up like me or everyone else being a super hero too thank you

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Car23 Trey10 and Tejuino

Hello Penguins, I am Car23 Trey10. I am a admin for the CPH team which Zune created. I play Club Penguin about everyday. My favorite servers are Frozen, and Mammoth. If you have any questions please email me at car23.trey10@gmail.com Click Here To Visit Car23Trey10's Site Hey What's Up, I'm Tejuino and my favorite servers are Frozen, Tuxedo, and Mammoth. I will have my igloo open most of the time so look carefully for me. Thank you Zune for adding me and if you need extra help email me at armygirl55555@yahoo.com Click Here To Visit Tejuino's Site

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This site is protected by copyright. Dont-copy paste my posts and images. I want credit for my work. If you want to post my pictures and text, just write - Zune91994 with a link to our webpage. © 2007 by Zune91994 all rights reserved. All Club Penguin images on this site are copyright New Horizon Interactive. © 2007 New Horizon Int. Club Penguin. If I see many people stealing my stuff without credit I will edit the pics with Zune91994 writen across it. Creative Commons License
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